Rosarito Beach, Mexico

Luke's 30th Birthday in Rosarito Beach Mexico!

One of the best trips ever! As we were leaving Los Angeles, we met a lady at the gas station who said, "Oh no! You don't want to go there. I'm from there. Trust me, you don't want to go there." We went anyway...

There was not a soul at the border as we entered Mexico. No passport check, no nothing. Drive on through. Returning to the US was a very different experience, which nearly ended in an arrest for using the wrong line.

Border crossings aside, it was incredible! We rode 4-wheelers through the mountains, let by an amazing tour guide. We drank rare and priceless 60 year old single grain scotch. We saw some of the most beautiful sunsets to grace this earth. We went golfing along the Baja coast and lost every single golf ball. We went to hot tub town. We went to doughnut town. We went to breakfast town. We went to tennis town. We went to poker town. We went to all the towns. We grilled every night. And even watched Pitch Perfect. Let's do it all over again.